Let $A$ be an $N\times N$ square matrix. There exists a determinant identity $$\operatorname{det}\left(I+A\right)=1+\sum_m A_{mm}+\frac1{2!}\sum_{m,n}\left| \begin{array}{cc} A_{mm} & A_{mn} \\ A_{nm} & A_{nn}\end{array}\right|+ \frac1{3!}\sum_{m,n,l}\left| \begin{array}{ccc} A_{mm} & A_{mn} & A_{ml} \\ A_{nm} & A_{nn} & A_{nl} \\ A_{lm} & A_{ln} & A_{ll}\end{array}\right|+\ldots$$ Could you please recall me how is this relation usually named?

Jean Dieudonné in his "History of functional analysis" refers to this identity as to von Koch's formula. There a few more references which seem to confirm this naming.