Update Features of MS Office 2016

Solution 1:

Just enabling all updates on WSUS may result in bad user experience with multiple restarts. It looks like there is none and never will be any service pack or another cumulative update.

Office 2016 and Office 2019 only recieve monthly cumaltive security updates. Office 2016 and Office 2019 do not recieve new features.

Now the question is how do we most effectively update our almost two year old installation to the latest build?

If you were using the Click 2 Run (C2R) installation all you have to do is open Word, and select, Update Options -> Update Now

  1. Open any Office app, such as Word, and create a new document.

  2. Go to File > Account (or Office Account if you opened Outlook).

  3. Under Product Information, choose Update Options > Update Now.

enter image description here

Source: Install Office updates

Since you are using the MSI Installer you have to download and distribute the update manually.

Source: Latest updates for versions of Office that use Windows Installer (MSI)