Program for bookmarking long videos on my local hard drive? [closed]

I'd like to be able to open a video, watch it a bit, and then store a bookmark, continue watching maybe bookmark it again, close the video, come back a day or two later, and pick up where I left off watching, and find my other two there a media player or equivalent plugin for a media player capable of such functionality?

Wouldn't hurt if it had the ability to add annotations as well...

Solution 1:

While I'm sure there are many players with this sort of functionality, here are two:

  1. VLC:

    Editing bookmarks:

  2. KMPlayer:

    During playback:

    When no file is open:

    Editing bookmarks:

Both are fully self-contained players that don't require any external codecs/codec packs installed, although KMPlayer can be configured to utilise external codecs if required.