Configuring The Package Manage Failed - Installation on 11.10

I have a 32-bit server, running at 3.03 Ghz, 2gb RAM & 512 L2 Cache. Whenever I try to install Ubuntu 11.10 or 12.04, after installing the Base System, we get to Setting up Users and Passwords, then Configuring the package manager, which fails everytime. I've tried everything I can think of, but nothing seems to work. Any suggestions of what is wrong and how to fix it? Thanks.

Had the same problem with 12.04 LTS. My workaround was to wait for the disk partitioning phase, and then to open a console with Alt+F2.

Edit /usr/lib/apt-setup/generators/50mirror.ubuntu and comment out the two lines with db_metaget and db_subst statements after the comment "Text is variable for Debian". No idea why this breaks the installation, but it does.