problem running gufw in ubuntu 17.10

I'm a Gufw developer.

You can not run any root UI (Gparted, Synaptic, Gufw...) because of Wayland.

Related bug:

All info here:

As you can read in that link, I'm afraid that it will be not fixed, because it was closed as won't fix :/

A hug and I'm so sorry.

A dirty workaround, but this is one way to make gufw work on Ubuntu 17.10 with Wayland:

  • Create the file ~/bin/gufw and give it this contents:

    xhost SI:localuser:root
    xhost -SI:localuser:root
  • Make the file executable:

    chmod +x ~/bin/gufw


A more step by step explanation would be:

  • Press Ctrl+Alt+T to open a terminal window.
  • Run the command:

    mkdir -p bin

    (i.e. type it and press Enter)

  • Open the gedit text editor with this command:

    gedit bin/gufw
  • Copy the contents as above and paste it into the gedit window.

  • Save and quit gedit.

  • Run the command:

    chmod +x bin/gufw
  • Quit the terminal window by running the command:


Re-installation not really required;

After a quick search, I found that Gufw is missing a python dependency. It appears that the python-gi package needs to be added as a dependency.

Steps to fix:

  1. sudo apt install python-gi
  2. gufw
  3. Type in password