Getting the index of the current loop in Play! 2 Scala template

Yes, zipWithIndex is built-in feature fortunately there's more elegant way for using it:

@for((item, index) <- myItems.zipWithIndex) {
    <li>Item @index is @item</li>

The index is 0-based, so if you want to start from 1 instead of 0 just add 1 to currently displayed index:

<li>Item @{index+1} is @item</li>

PS: Answering to your other question - no, there's no implicit indexes, _isFirst, _isLast properties, anyway you can write simple Scala conditions inside the loop, basing on the values of the zipped index (Int) and size of the list (Int as well).

@for((item, index) <- myItems.zipWithIndex) {
    <div style="margin-bottom:20px;">
        Item @{index+1} is @item <br>
             @if(index == 0) { First element }
             @if(index == myItems.size-1) { Last element }
             @if(index % 2 == 0) { ODD } else { EVEN }

The answer in the linked question is basically what you want to do. zipWithIndex converts your list (which is a Seq[T]) into a Seq[(T, Int)]:

@list.zipWithIndex.foreach{case (item, index) =>
  <li>Item @index is @item</li>