Using MongoDB $pull to delete documents within an Array

Solution 1:

That's exactly what the $pull operator does, so in the shell you could use an update like:

    {$pull: {members: {tweetID: '5327010328645530500'}}}, 
    {multi: true})

Set the multi option so that every document is updated, not just the first one.

Solution 2:

This will delete multiple tweets in a single query just pass an array to $in:-

{$pull: {members: {$in: [ {tweetID: '5327010328645530500'},{"tweetID" : "2820402625046999289"} ] } } }, 
{multi: true});

The above method doesnt work in mongoose so for mongoose do:-

{$pull: {members:[ {tweetID: '5327010328645530500'},{"tweetID" : "2820402625046999289"} ]  } });

Solution 3:

In the meantime the update method is deprecated. Therefore one possible up-to-date solution to this would be using the updateMany method instead.

    {$pull: {members: {tweetID: '5327010328645530500'}}})