Mountall fails on startup

After Ubuntu boots, the tty1  Ctrl+Alt+F1 shows this:

Thegatorade-PC login: mountall: disconnected from Plymouth
mountall: Event failed

This happened after partitioning with gparted and happens every time I use Ubuntu.

Solution 1:

Try deleting the swap partition and re-creating it.

To do so Just press Ctrl+Alt+T on your keyboard to open Terminal. When it opens, run the command below.

sudo fdisk -l

to locate the device name for the partition you are going to format.

swap file must be turned off.

sudo swapoff -a

Remove swapfile:

sudo rm -rf /swapfile

To create

sudo mkswap /dev/sda5

Replace sda5 with you device name.

At this point you get a new UUID. Use that to update your /etc/fstab file with the new UUID for your swap partition.

After that:

sudo swapon -a

to tell Ubuntu to use the new swap partition.

Or you can use gparted. To install

sudo apt-get install gparted

Solution 2:

First, confirm that gparted changed/updated the UUID of your swap partition. After the mountall: disconnected from Plymouth error appears, hit enter and you should get a logon prompt. Logon. From the command prompt, check the block ids of the partitions. sudo may or may not be needed:

sudo blkid

Take careful note of the UUID for the swap. Note that it will be exactly what's inside the double quotes, but that these quotes won't be used in the fstab file.

Next, check what UUID is listed for the swap in fstab:

sudo nano /etc/fstab

If it's different, carefully update the UUID to the new one that you wrote down. Ctrl+O to write out to file, after that press Enter so that the file will be saved to its current location, and Ctrl+X to exit. If there is anything extraneous in the fstab, you are likely to get a mountall: disconnected from Plymouth error..

By replacing the old UUID in fstab with the new one created by gparted, you can avoid having to delete the swap and recreate it from inside the OS, when you probably just did exactly that using GParted.