How do I make Ubuntu use only free software?

During the install, there is an option to make Ubuntu use only free software. Is there a way to toggle this option now that it is installed? Thanks.

Solution 1:

It sort of depends on your definition of "free" (free beer, free speech, or free bird), and there are sometimes disagreements on the definitions.

The main setting you have is in which repository you use, stay with main and universe and avoid restricted and multiverse.

For a more detailed description of repositories see



Or if you want libre, see Trisquel . Trisquel is based on Ubuntu but uses only kernel and applications the FSF considers Free as in Freedom.

Trisquel is a fully free (as in "free speech", not merely as in "free of charge") GNU/Linux based operating system. It is derived from Ubuntu, but includes only free software.

Solution 2:

This is most probably what is being referred to (see bottom right):

enter image description here

Is there a way to toggle this option now that it is installed? Thanks.

After installation, here's how you can manually toggle repositories on or off to mimic the "use only free software" option in the boot menu of the Live CD (chosen via F6). This answer does not get into the semantics (meanings) of "free" :)

  • Open Software Center
  • Go to the Edit Menu on top, click Software Sources

    enter image description here

    • Turn off the third and fourth options -- (restricted) and (multiverse) to be "Use only free"; turn them on to use them. Note that Ubuntu (at least the text installs) still asks you during the install, even if "Use only free" is not checked, to confirm whether you want to add these to your sources.

    enter image description here

    • Another question also asked is whether you want the "partner" repositories (which may not have source available, so may be non-free). Disable or enable the "Canonical Partners" repositories under "Other Software" as you wish.