Does iPhone 5s slow down with iOS 8? [closed]

My 5s didn't slow down at all after the upgrade. I did disable a few features that annoyed me (quicktype prediction, spotlight suggestions, etc.) and you may want to if you're concerned about performance, but I didn't notice any speed issues at all. Much, much better than my experience with the beta on an iPod Touch.

I've been running iOS 8 on a 5 since the first beta, and I've noticed no difference in normal use. The only thing I can even think to comment on is that the boot time seems longer than before.

Since it works so nicely on a 5, I can't imagine that you'd have an issues on a 5s.

Unfortunately for me, I've been seeing slow response in certain apps after the upgrade. I cannot prove that it was due to iOS8 but I am seeing more of it than before.

Edit: This issue will most likely occur until the app updates for iOS8, till then stability and bugs may occur.