Yosemite Upgrade changed numeric keypad "Enter" key to issue "^[33OM"

Solution 1:

Actually, I found the simplest answer... In Terminal Preferrences, Advanced Tab, I unchecked the box in the 'Input' options section: "Allow VT100 application keypad mode"

Now the keypad ENTER key is identical to the main keyboard ENTER key!

Simple and sweet, I found this when looking through the TMUX help information.

I didn't realize that the only place where the keypad ENTER was issuing "\EOM" was in my tmux sessions, since that is the default mode in my remote admin sessions. Thanks for the information above, but this was all I needed to do. I've I'd given more background people may have had better clues.

Solution 2:

Try remapping it using the Logitech Control Center for OS X or any official Logitech software that's supposed to work with your keyboard model. Based on the answer to this question, which states that the user had to use Logitech Control Center to get a key remapped correctly, it seems Yosemite handles non-Apple keyboards a little differently compared to Mavericks.