How to manage mounted partitions (fstab + mount points) from puppet

Solution 1:

You can tell Puppet not to manage a given metaparameter by setting it to undef.

file { "${location}/${name}":
    ensure                  => directory,
    owner                   => undef,
    group                   => undef,
    mode                    => undef,
    selinux_ignore_defaults => true,

In this event, if the directory doesn't exist before mounting, it will be created as the user and group which puppetd was started as (presumably root:wheel) and with a default umask. Puppet won't care about what these are set to at the time of creation or on any subsequent runs.

Alternatively, if you wanted to trade a little complexity for assurance, you could use a custom fact to determine what the active mounts are and a switch statement to set the directory permissions depending on whether it is pre- or post- mounted.

Solution 2:

Not really an answer but this has been fixed in puppet 2.6.7:

Solution 3:

I have a custom fact (works with Linux only ATM) that will return all the currently mounted local mounts on a system. It's horribly simple, but works for me -- looks like you might find some use for it as well. Anyway, I threw it up on github: