How to split a string by multiple delimiters in PHP?

"something here ; and there, oh,that's all!"

I want to split it by ; and ,

so after processing should get:

something here

and there


that's all!

Solution 1:


$pattern = '/[;,]/';

$string = "something here ; and there, oh,that's all!";

echo '<pre>', print_r( preg_split( $pattern, $string ), 1 ), '</pre>';

Updated answer to an updated question:


$pattern = '/[\x{ff0c},]/u';

//$string = "something here ; and there, oh,that's all!";
$string = 'hei,nihao,a ';

echo '<pre>', print_r( preg_split( $pattern, $string ), 1 ), '</pre>';

Solution 2:

$result_array = preg_split( "/[;,]/", $starting_string );

Solution 3:

The split() PHP function allows the delimiter to be a regular expression. Unfortunately it's deprecated and will be removed in PHP7!

The preg_split() function should be OK, and it returns an array:

$results = preg_split('/[;,]/', $string);

There are a few extra optional parameters which may be useful to you.

Is the first delimiter character in your edited example actually a 2 byte Unicode character?

Perhaps the preg_slit() function is treating the delimiter as three characters and splitting between the characters of the unicode (Chinese?) 'character'