Delete a directory and its files using command line but don't throw error if it doesn't exist

Solution 1:

Redirect the output of the del command to nul. Note the 2, to indicate error output should be redirected. See also this question, and especially the tech doc Using command redirection operators.

del {whateveroptions} 2>null

Or you can check for file existence before calling del:

if exist c:\folder\file del c:\folder\file

Note that you can use if exist c:\folder\ (with the trailing \) to check if c:\folder is indeed a folder and not a file.

Solution 2:

Either redirect stderr to nul

rd /q /s "c:\yourFolder" 2>nul

Or verify that folder exists before deleting. Note that the trailing \ is critical in the IF condition.

if exist "c:\yourFolder\" rd /q /s "c:\yourFolder"

Solution 3:

For me on Windows 10 the following is working great:

if exist <path> rmdir <path> /q /s

q stands for "delete without asking" and s stands for "delete all subfolders and files in it".

And you can also concatinate the command:

(if exist <path> rmdir <path> /q /s) && <some other command that executes after deleting>