Functional programming - is immutability expensive? [closed]

Solution 1:

Since there are a few misconceptions flying around here, I’d like to clarify some points.

  • The “in-place” quicksort isn’t really in-place (and quicksort is not by definition in-place). It requires additional storage in the form of stack space for the recursive step, which is in the order of O(log n) in the best case, but O(n) in the worst case.

  • Implementing a functional variant of quicksort that operates on arrays defeats the purpose. Arrays are never immutable.

  • The “proper” functional implementation of quicksort uses immutable lists. It is of course not in-place but it’s got the same worst-case asymptotic runtime (O(n^2)) and space complexity (O(n)) as the procedural in-place version.

    On average, its running time is still on par with that of the in-place variant (O(n log n)). Its space complexity, however, is still O(n).

There are two obvious disadvantages of a functional quicksort implementation. In the following, let’s consider this reference implementation in Haskell (I don’t know Scala …) from the Haskell introduction:

qsort []     = []
qsort (x:xs) = qsort lesser ++ [x] ++ qsort greater
    where lesser  = (filter (< x) xs)
          greater = (filter (>= x) xs)
  1. The first disadvantage is the choice of the pivot element, which is very inflexible. The strength of modern quicksort implementations relies heavily on a smart choice of the pivot (compare “Engineering a sort function” by Bentley et al.). The above algorithm is poor in that regard, which degrades average performance considerably.

  2. Secondly, this algorithm uses list concatenation (instead of list construction) which is an O(n) operation. This doesn’t impact on the asymptotic complexity but it’s a measurable factor.

A third disadvantage is somewhat hidden: unlike the “in-place” variant, this implementation continually requests memory from the heap for the cons cells of the list and potentially scatters memory all over the place. As a result, this algorithm has a very poor cache locality. I don’t know whether smart allocators in modern functional programming languages can mitigate this – but on modern machines, cache misses have become a major performance killer.

What’s the conclusion? Unlike others, I wouldn’t say that quicksort is inherently imperative and that’s why it performs badly in an FP environment. Quite on the contrary, I would argue that quicksort is a perfect example of a functional algorithm: it translates seamlessly into an immutable environment, its asymptotic running time and space complexity are on par with the procedural implementation, and even its procedural implementation employs recursion.

But this algorithm still performs worse when constrained to an immutable domain. The reason for this is that the algorithm has the peculiar property of benefitting from a lot of (sometimes low-level) fine-tuning that can only be efficiently performed on arrays. A naive description of the quicksort misses all these intricacies (both in the functional and in the procedural variant).

After reading “Engineering a sort function” I can no longer consider quicksort an elegant algorithm. Implemented efficiently, it is a clunky mess, an engineer’s piece of work, not an artist’s (not to devalue engineering! this has its own aesthetic).

But I would also like to point out that this point is particular to quicksort. Not every algorithm is amenable to the same sort of low-level tweaking. A lot of algorithms and data structures really can be expressed without performance loss in an immutable environment.

And immutability can even decrease performance costs by removing the need of costly copies or cross-thread synchronizations.

So, to answer the original question, “is immutability expensive?” – In the particular case of quicksort, there is a cost that is indeed a result of immutability. But in general, no.

Solution 2:

There are a bunch of things wrong with this as a benchmark of functional programming. Highlights include:

  • You're using primitives, which may have to be boxed/unboxed. You're not trying to test the overhead of wrapping primitive objects, you're trying to test immutability.
  • You've chosen an algorithm where in-place operation is unusually effective (and provably so). If you want to show that there exist algorithms that are faster when implemented mutably, then this is a good choice; otherwise, this is likely to be misleading.
  • You are using the wrong timing function. Use System.nanoTime.
  • The benchmark is too short for you to be confident that JIT compilation won't be a significant part of the measured time.
  • The array isn't split in an efficient manner.
  • Arrays are mutable, so using them with FP is a strange comparison anyway.

So, this comparison is a great illustration that you must understand your language (and algorithm) in detail in order to write high-performance code. But it's not a very good comparison of FP vs. non-FP. If you want that, check out Haskell vs. C++ at the Computer Languages Benchmark Game. The take-home message there is that the penalty is typically not more than a factor of 2 or 3 or so, but it really depends. (No promises that the Haskell folks have written the fastest algorithms possible either, but at least some of them probably tried! Then again, some of the Haskell calls C libraries....)

Now, suppose you do want a more reasonable benchmark of Quicksort, recognizing that this is probably one of the worst cases for FP vs. mutable algorithms, and ignoring the data-structure issue (i.e. pretending that we can have an immutable Array):

object QSortExample {
  // Imperative mutable quicksort
  def swap(xs: Array[String])(a: Int, b: Int) {
    val t = xs(a); xs(a) = xs(b); xs(b) = t
  def muQSort(xs: Array[String])(l: Int = 0, r: Int = xs.length-1) {
    val pivot = xs((l+r)/2)
    var a = l
    var b = r
    while (a <= b) {
      while (xs(a) < pivot) a += 1
      while (xs(b) > pivot) b -= 1
      if (a <= b) {
        a += 1
        b -= 1
    if (l<b) muQSort(xs)(l, b)
    if (b<r) muQSort(xs)(a, r)

  // Functional quicksort
  def fpSort(xs: Array[String]): Array[String] = {
    if (xs.length <= 1) xs
    else {
      val pivot = xs(xs.length/2)
      val (small,big) = xs.partition(_ < pivot)
      if (small.length == 0) {
        val (bigger,same) = big.partition(_ > pivot)
        same ++ fpSort(bigger)
      else fpSort(small) ++ fpSort(big)

  // Utility function to repeat something n times
  def repeat[A](n: Int, f: => A): A = {
    if (n <= 1) f else { f; repeat(n-1,f) }

  // This runs the benchmark
  def bench(n: Int, xs: Array[String], silent: Boolean = false) {
    // Utility to report how long something took
    def ptime[A](f: => A) = {
      val t0 = System.nanoTime
      val ans = f
      if (!silent) printf("elapsed: %.3f sec\n",(System.nanoTime-t0)*1e-9)

    if (!silent) print("Scala builtin ")
    ptime { repeat(n, {
      val ys = xs.clone
    }) }
    if (!silent) print("Mutable ")
    ptime { repeat(n, {
      val ys = xs.clone
    }) }
    if (!silent) print("Immutable ")
    ptime { repeat(n, {
    }) }

  def main(args: Array[String]) {
    val letters = (1 to 500000).map(_ => scala.util.Random.nextPrintableChar)
    val unsorted = letters.grouped(5).map(_.mkString).toList.toArray

    repeat(3,bench(1,unsorted,silent=true))  // Warmup
    repeat(3,bench(10,unsorted))     // Actual benchmark

Note the modification to the functional Quicksort so it only goes through the data once if at all possible, and the comparison to the built-in sort. When we run it we get something like:

Scala builtin elapsed: 0.349 sec
Mutable elapsed: 0.445 sec
Immutable elapsed: 1.373 sec
Scala builtin elapsed: 0.343 sec
Mutable elapsed: 0.441 sec
Immutable elapsed: 1.374 sec
Scala builtin elapsed: 0.343 sec
Mutable elapsed: 0.442 sec
Immutable elapsed: 1.383 sec

So, aside from learning that trying to write your own sort is a bad idea, we find that there is a ~3x penalty for an immutable quicksort if the latter is implemented somewhat carefully. (You could also write a trisect method that returns three arrays: those less than, those equal, and those greater than the pivot. This might speed things up slightly more.)

Solution 3:

I don't think the Scala version is actually tail recursive, since you are using Array.concat.

Also, just because this is idiomatic Scala code, this doesn't mean it is the best way to do it.

The best way to do this would be to use one of Scala's built-in sorting functions. That way you get the immutability guarantee and know you have a speedy algorithm.

See Stack Overflow question How do I sort an array in Scala? for an example.

Solution 4:

Immutability is not expensive. It sure can be expensive if you measure a small subset of the tasks a program have to do, and pick a solution based on mutability to boot -- such as measuring quicksort.

To put it simply, you don't quicksort when using purely functional languages.

Let's consider this from another angle. Let's consider these two functions:

// Version using mutable data structures
def tailFrom[T : ClassManifest](arr: Array[T], p: T => Boolean): Array[T] = {
  def posIndex(i: Int): Int = {
    if (i < arr.length) {
      if (p(arr(i)))
        posIndex(i + 1)
    } else {

  var index = posIndex(0)

  if (index < 0) Array.empty
  else {
    var result = new Array[T](arr.length - index)
    Array.copy(arr, index, result, 0, arr.length - index)

// Immutable data structure:

def tailFrom[T](list: List[T], p: T => Boolean): List[T] = {
  def recurse(sublist: List[T]): List[T] = {
    if (sublist.isEmpty) sublist
    else if (p(sublist.head)) sublist
    else recurse(sublist.tail)

Benchmark THAT, and you'll find that the code using mutable data structures has much worse performance, because it needs to copy the array, while the immutable code need not concern itself with that.

When you program with immutable data structures, you structure your code to take advantage of its strengths. It is not simply the data type, or even individual algorithms. The program will be designed in a different manner.

Which is why benchmarking is usually meaningless. Either you choose algorithms that are natural to one style or another, and that style wins, or you benchmark the whole application, which is often impractical.

Solution 5:

Sorting an array is, like, the most imperative task in the universe. It is not surprising that many elegant 'immutable' strategies/implementations fail poorly on a 'sort an array' microbenchmark. This does not imply that immutability is expensive "in general", though. There are many tasks where immutable implementations will perform comparably to mutable ones, but array sorting often is not one of them.