Event fired when clearing text input on IE10 with clear icon

On chrome, the "search" event is fired on search inputs when user clicks the clear button.

Is there a way to capture the same event in javascript on Internet Explorer 10?

enter image description here

The only solution I finally found:

// There are 2 events fired on input element when clicking on the clear button:
// mousedown and mouseup.
$("input").bind("mouseup", function(e){
  var $input = $(this),
      oldValue = $input.val();

  if (oldValue == "") return;

  // When this event is fired after clicking on the clear button
  // the value is not cleared yet. We have to wait for it.
    var newValue = $input.val();

    if (newValue == ""){
      // Gotcha
  }, 1);

The oninput event fires with this.value set to an empty string. This solved the problem for me, since I want to execute the same action whether they clear the search box with the X or by backspacing. This works in IE 10 only.