Does Apple make a modem?

I just bought a Time Capsule, and the lack of modem is irritating, as this means I have to buy a seperate one which is another box, won't be as easy to set up and I have to choose one.

Does Apple make a modem themselves, that can be used with a Time Capsule simply and easily? If they don't is there a suggested one for a Time Capsule?

EDIT: I live in the UK, my ISP is TalkTalk and it is ADSL.

Solution 1:

Apple don't make a modem, but depending on your internet/cable/fiber provider, you may be able to encourage them to give you one for free.

I have Virgin Media in the UK and new customers receive a new Super Hub free (which can easily be configured to be a slave modem, you just turn the wireless off). The same is true of most of the free 'hubs' provided by networks these days.

Solution 2:

They do not make a modem, at least not an external one. I'm sure older Macs have them but that's not appropriate for your requirements, and they were not ADSL modems anyway.

I have found that there are few modems available (although there is one DLINK one and a TP-LINK one that looks useful, but I have found that the cheapest way to sort one out is to get almost any old Wireless Router with a modem built in, and configure it in Bridge mode that basically turns off all routing/firewall/NAT/DHCP/Wireless etc functions, and just let's the Apple router (Time Capsule, Airport Extreme Router, etc) pass the old router a username and password and ask it to make the connection and pass the traffic through the link.

I currently use a DLINK DSL2740B Wireless Modem Router in this way, just using the modem functionality.

Using Bridge mode is a far better way than running an old router in normal mode and just turning the wireless off, as it allows proper configuration of back to my Mac etc and allows you to use the standard OS X tools for managing your network rather than having to remember some weirdo IP address and do it all via a dodgy web interface.