Can I store my pixels somewhere so I don't lose them when I die?

The only way to store pixels (as of yet) is via the Pixel Compressor.

Pixel Compressor is a crafting station used to turn pixels into tradeable/storable items called voxels. Decompressing these voxels will yield the equivalent amount of pixels back, it provides a way to trade pixels to others as well as protect pixel loss from death.

This crafting station is crafted at the Architect's Table (third tier Inventor's Table), and requires

  • 15 x Gold Bars
  • 15 x Durasteel Bars

You can only compress 1000, 2000, 5000 and 10000 pixels. To decompress them, simple use the decompress table (which acts much like the sell window on a merchant).

Pixels are the main currency in Starbound. They can't be stored in regular containers like other items. The later in the game you get, the more important they become for crafting everything as part of the base crafting cost. You also lose 30% of pixels upon death.

3D printing has advanced so far in the game universe that the universal currency form has become 3D Printer fuel, called Pixels.1 Pixels can be used to buy and trade items in game, as well as operate the player's 3D Printer to manufacture printed items.

In order to store pixels, you need a pixel converter. Pixel converters turn pixels into voxels, which lose 40% of the pixel value when converted, and can be turned into pixels again by using the Refinery. Dying twice will result in you losing 51% of your pixels, so storing them as voxels instead can save a significant amount of saved pixels.

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The current best way to store pixels is by using a Pixel Compressor to craft Voxels. Voxels can be crafted in units of 1K, 2K, 5K, or 10K, and can then be stored like any item. The only costs for making the Voxels themselves is the pixels, but the refinery will initially cost 20 Titanium Panels, and 20 Steel Bars, and requires the Robotic Crafting Table, which is only available after beating the Tier 2 Boss.

When you want to get your pixels back out, just throw your Voxels into a Refinery. They'll give back 60% of the pixels initially used. This makes Voxels more expensive than holding onto your pixels for a single death (30% cost), but cheaper than multiple deaths, and thus often useful in the long run.