Deck transformations of universal cover are isomorphic to the fundamental group - explicitly

I have read on several places that given a (say path connected) topological space $X$ and its universal covering $\tilde{X}\stackrel{p}\rightarrow X$, there is an isomorphism

$$\mathrm{Deck}(\tilde{X}/X) \simeq \pi_1(X, x_0).$$

Here $\mathrm{Deck}(\tilde{X}/X)$ denotes the group of deck transformations of the universal cover and $x_0$ is some basepoint. (Maybe I am omitting some assumptions, but I am interested in this mainly for path connected smooth manifolds, which should be "nice enough" topological spaces.)

However, I was unable to find any explicit description of the isomorphism. What I have in mind is the following:

Given a loop $\gamma$ in $X$, what is the corresponding deck transformation? In other words, how does the fundamental group $\pi_1(X, x_0)$ act on the covering space $\tilde{X}$?

That is, I am interested in the "geometric picture" behind the isomorphism. I understand there is some choice involved, something like fixing some preimage $\tilde{x}_0 \in p^{-1}(x_0)$, I can imagine lifting the loop uniquely modulo this choice, however I cannot see how to obtain a homemorphism of $\tilde{X}$ using this lifted path (is it some use of the universal property of $\tilde{X}\rightarrow X$, perhaps?).

Thanks in advance for any help.

Solution 1:

Here is how it goes.

Let $B$, be a space nice enough to have a (simply connected) universal cover, say $B$ is connected, locally connected and semi-locally simply connected. Let $(X,x_0)\to (B,b_0)$ be its universal cover.

Take a loop $\gamma: (S^1,1)\to (B,b_0)$ then you can lift $\gamma$ to a path $\overline{\gamma}: I\to X$ that projects to $\gamma$. Now $\overline{\gamma}(1)$ is an element of $X_{b_0}$. You can use then the following theorem.

Let $(Y,y_0)\to (B,b_0)$ be a (path) onnected and locally path connected space over $B$ and $(X,x_0)\to (B,b_0)$ is a cover of $B$, then a lift of $(Y,y_0)\to (B,b_0)$ to $(Y,y_0)\to (X,x_0)$ exists iff the image of $\pi_1(Y,y_0)$ inside $\pi_1(B,b_0)$ is contained in the image of $\pi_1(X,x_0)$ inside $\pi_1(B,b_0)$

Use the previous theorem with $(Y,y_0)=(X,\overline{\gamma}(1) )$. This tells you that there exists a covering map $X\to X$ sending $x_0$ to $\gamma(1)$.

It is easy to see that this map depends only on the homotopy class of $\gamma$ using the following result

Let $(X,x_0)$ be a cover of $(B,b_0)$ and $Y$ be a connected space over $B$. If two liftings of $Y\to B$ to $Y\to X$ coincide at some $y_0$ in $Y$, the they're equal.

This tells you that if $\overline{\gamma}(1)=\overline{\tau}(1)$ then the two morphisms $X\to X$ you get, coincide. Moreover, using the inverse of $\gamma$, you see that the morphisms $X\to X$ you get are automorphisms.

This gives you a well defined map $\pi_1(B,b_0)\to \text{Aut}_B(X)$. Using what I said before, it is easy to see that it is an isomorphism.