Torrent clients for Mac other than uTorrent

Solution 1:

I highly recommend the open source client Transmission.

enter image description here


  • The Mac OS X interface is written in Objective-C
  • Shows transfer rates in the dock icon
  • Uses Growl notifications and dock badging to keep you informed.
  • Download/Upload Prioritization


  • Doesn't bundle toolbars, pop-up/flash ads, social tools, or any other useless crap.
  • It doesn't hold some feaures back for a payware version.
  • Its source code is available for anyone to review.
  • Doesn't track users, and their website/forums have no third-party ads or analytics.

I've been using Transmission for many years and can't imagine using anything else.

Solution 2:

Try Tribler, designed to fight censorship by using built-in anonymity:

There is an article about it here:

Anonymous and impossible to shut down

It's open source too.

Solution 3:


It does all the things you asked for, except showing the transfer rates in the Dock icon. But I didn't check for this option very thorough, it might have it :-)

One of the best features for me is that it can download a file in sequential order (think of a video that you can start watching it, before the download finishes 100%).