How to use F1-F12 keys with MacBook?

Solution 1:

You have two options; either hold down fn as L2G suggested, or switch to the F1 etc. keys to work like that directly.

This can be setup in keyboard preferences here:

enter image description here

If you do that, F1 will work as the actual F1 key. If you want to use it for controlling the brightness, you'd hit fn with it.

Solution 2:

To clarify and expand on HHH's comments: in at least some recent versions of OS X, F8, F9, F10, and F12 are set by default as shortcuts to control Expose, Spaces, and Dashboard. Houbysoft's and L2G's solutions don't work in this case; holding fn activates Expose/etc, and checking "Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys" in System Preferences/Keyboard just means you get Expose from the unmodified function key instead of from fn + function key.

The solution is: in System Preferences/Keyboard, open the Keyboard Shortcuts tab, and find and uncheck the relevant shortcuts.