Solution 1:

There is one specifically called Leaks and like a previous poster said, the easiest way to run it is straight from Xcode:

run -> Start with Performance Tool -> Leaks

It seems very good at detecting memory leaks, and was easy for a Non-C Head like me to figure out.

Solution 2:

Select Profile from the Product menu in Xcode 6 to launch Apple's Instruments tool. (The application is located inside the Xcode application's package contents: /Applications/

A commercial alternative is OmniObjectMeter. (Discontinued by The Omni Group)

Solution 3:

The Clang Static Analyser is great for finding bugs in C, C++ and Objective-C code:

Solution 4:

Here is the link for using instrument from xcode to detect memory leak/performance of you ios/mac application Steps to run instrument from Xcode