Clone isn't cloning select values

Solution 1:

After further research I found this ticket in the JQuery bug tracker system which explains the bug and provides a work around. Apparently, it is too expensive to clone the select values so they won't fix it.

My use of the clone method was in a generic method where anything might be cloned so I'm not sure when or if there will be a select to set the value on. So I added the following:

var selects = $(cloneSourceId).find("select");
$(selects).each(function(i) {
    var select = this;

Solution 2:

Here's a fixed version of the clone method for jQuery:

// Textarea and select clone() bug workaround | Spencer Tipping
// Licensed under the terms of the MIT source code license

// Motivation.
// jQuery's clone() method works in most cases, but it fails to copy the value of textareas and select elements. This patch replaces jQuery's clone() method with a wrapper that fills in the
// values after the fact.

// An interesting error case submitted by Piotr Przybył: If two <select> options had the same value, the clone() method would select the wrong one in the cloned box. The fix, suggested by Piotr
// and implemented here, is to use the selectedIndex property on the <select> box itself rather than relying on jQuery's value-based val().

(function (original) {
  jQuery.fn.clone = function () {
    var result           = original.apply(this, arguments),
        my_textareas     = this.find('textarea').add(this.filter('textarea')),
        result_textareas = result.find('textarea').add(result.filter('textarea')),
        my_selects       = this.find('select').add(this.filter('select')),
        result_selects   = result.find('select').add(result.filter('select'));

    for (var i = 0, l = my_textareas.length; i < l; ++i) $(result_textareas[i]).val($(my_textareas[i]).val());
    for (var i = 0, l = my_selects.length;   i < l; ++i) result_selects[i].selectedIndex = my_selects[i].selectedIndex;

    return result;
}) (jQuery.fn.clone);

Solution 3:

Made a plugin out of chief7's answer:

(function($,undefined) {
    $.fn.cloneSelects = function(withDataAndEvents, deepWithDataAndEvents) {
        var $clone = this.clone(withDataAndEvents, deepWithDataAndEvents);
        var $origSelects = $('select', this);
        var $clonedSelects = $('select', $clone);
        $origSelects.each(function(i) {
        return $clone;

Only tested it briefly, but it seems to work.