How can I see normal print output created during pytest run?

Sometimes I want to just insert some print statements in my code, and see what gets printed out when I exercise it. My usual way to "exercise" it is with existing pytest tests. But when I run these, I don't seem able to see any standard output (at least from within PyCharm, my IDE).

Is there a simple way to see standard output during a pytest run?

The -s switch disables per-test capturing (only if a test fails).

-s is equivalent to --capture=no.

pytest captures the stdout from individual tests and displays them only on certain conditions, along with the summary of the tests it prints by default.

Extra summary info can be shown using the '-r' option:

pytest -rP

shows the captured output of passed tests.

pytest -rx

shows the captured output of failed tests (default behaviour).

The formatting of the output is prettier with -r than with -s.