Comparison of CI Servers? [closed]

No question like this is complete without a link to the big CI Feature Matrix(Web Archive) which lists just about every CI option out there.

But I think it is important to look ahead to the scope of what you want to include in your CI system. Is it going to be just builds or are you going to be bringing in other elements like static analysis, cross-project dependencies, deployments, functional tests, etc. To help with that planning I created this wallchart on the Elements of Enterprise CI (PDF; no registration required). Please don't let the "E-word" put you off; I just mean stuff beyond the basic fast feedback CI build. :)

It isn't tool specific but lists a variety of practices you might consider while you're in the planning/evaluation stages.

Nothing helpful in:

  • Anything better than CruiseControl for .NET CI?
  • Continuous Integration Servers
  • Hudson or Teamcity for continuous integration?
  • What is your experience with CI server git support (Windows)?
  • Language-agnostic automated build and test server for multiple projects
  • Choosing the correct CI Server for my needs.
  • Cruise versus TeamCity versus CruiseControl.NET
  • CruiseControl [.NET] vs TeamCity for continuous integration?
  • etc, etc, etc

EDIT: A pointed out by Jonik in a comment, I missed What is the difference between Hudson and CruiseControl for Java projects? and How and why do I set up a C# build machine?. You'll find very insightful answers. In other words, I think that everything you're looking for is already on Stack Overflow.