Example of what SQLAlchemy can do, and Django ORM cannot

Solution 1:

This is dangerously close to being non-constructive, but I'll bite.

Suppose we need to maintain inventories of certain items for a number of different, let's say, accounts. DDL follows:

CREATE TABLE account (
    id serial PRIMARY KEY,

    id serial PRIMARY KEY,
    name text NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE inventory (
    account_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES account(id),
    item_id integer NOT NULL REFERENCES item(id),
    amount integer NOT NULL DEFAULT 0 CHECK (amount >= 0),
    PRIMARY KEY (account_id, item_id)

First of all, Django ORM can't work with composite primary keys. Yes, you can always add a surrogate key and unique constraint, but that's one more column and one more index than you actually need. For a big table with a small number of columns this would add noticeable size and performance overhead. Also, ORMs generally have trouble with identity mapping using anything other than primary key.

Now, let's say we want to query each item in the inventory of given account accompanied by its quantity, but also include all items not present there with quantity set to 0. And then sort this in descending order by quantity. Corresponding SQL:

SELECT item.id, item.name, ..., coalesce(inventory.amount, 0) AS amount
    FROM item LEFT OUTER JOIN inventory
        ON item.id = inventory.item_id AND inventory.team_id = ?
    ORDER BY amount DESC;

There is no way to express outer join with custom condition in Django ORM. Yes, you can make two simple separate queries and perform join by hand in Python loop. And performance probably won't suffer much in this particular case. But that's beside the point because results of every query could be reproduced on the application side using only basic SELECTs.

With SQLAlchemy:

class Account(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'account'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)

class Item(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'item'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = Column(String, nullable=False)

class Inventory(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'inventory'
    account_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('account.id'), primary_key=True,
    account = relationship(Account)
    item_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('item.id'), primary_key=True,
    item = relationship(Item)
    amount = Column(Integer, CheckConstraint('amount >= 0'), nullable=False,

account = session.query(Account).get(some_id)
result = (session
    .query(Item, func.coalesce(Inventory.amount, 0).label('amount'))
        and_(Item.id==Inventory.item_id, Inventory.account==account))

As a side note, SQLAlchemy makes dictionary based collections very easy. With addition of the following code to the Account model you make relationship with Inventory appear as what it is: a mapping from items to their quantity.

items = relationship('Inventory',
inventory = association_proxy('items', 'amount',
    creator=lambda k, v: Inventory(item_id=k, amount=v))

This enables you to write code such as:

account.inventory[item_id] += added_value

that transparently inserts or updates entries in the inventory table.

Complex joins, subqueries, window aggregates — Django ORM fails to deal with anything of that without falling back to raw SQL.

Solution 2:

This should work in Django 1.11:

inventory_amount = Subquery(account.inventory_set.filter(item=OuterRef('pk')).values('amount'))
Item.objects.annotate(inventory_amount=Coalesce(inventory_amount, Value(0)))