How to setup a passwordless samba share on KDE?

Solution 1:

On the desktop this is as simple as switching on the folder sharing with anonymous access, right click on the folder and click "Sharing Options" it may ask you to install the sharing services, install them:

Share option in nautilus

Once done (and restarted session) then just share the folder with guest access:

Share dialog

On the Ubuntu Server (without graphical desktop) you can follow this guide:

Warning! When you enable guest access it does mean the anyone will be able to see your files. This is especially problematic on laptops with wifi networks where you just visit an internet cafe and give your files to your fellow coffee drinkers.

Solution 2:

Put this at the bottom of your smb.conf, replacing the path/to/share/point with the location of your shared directory.

        comment = Public Share
        path = /path/to/share/point
        read only = yes
        guest ok = yes

If it doesn't exist, do

sudo mkdir /path/to/share/point

Then do:

sudo service samba restart

and test.