Composer killed when setup laravel in Godaddy Server

GoDaddy is probably killing processes that take up too many resources or run too long to protect their shared hosting environment. This is behavior may be configured by them using /etc/security/limits.conf, which you may or may not be able to look at from your shared hosting account, depending on the permissions set. You would not be allowed to edit these restrictions.

PHP also has its own limits, like memory_limit and max_execution_time, which may be limited by php.ini. Your process could also be killed by PHP itself for exceeding the memory or time limit.

As Composer might be too resource-intensive for GoDaddy to permit you to run, you can try to resolve the dependencies on your local machine to generate a composer.lock file. Once you upload that, you can run a less resource-intensive composer install on the GoDaddy server.

If that doesn't work, an alternative solution could be to run Composer entirely on your own machine in a similar PHP environment (same PHP version, same installed extensions) and then upload the vendor dependencies to your hosting account manually.

Additional Resources

  • Memory limit? composer killed while updating on Stack Overflow
  • Some other limit? composer is “killed” automatically from SSH on Stack Overflow