What words are commonly mispronounced by literate people who read them before they heard them?

Solution 1:

hyperbole /haɪˈpɜrbəli/

(Evidently it's not the next step after the Super Bowl.)

Solution 2:

I had quite a few of these growing up. The one I think is most common is segue. Did you know it's pronounced "segway"? I didn't for a very very long time.

Solution 3:

colonel /ˈkərnl/

This has to be the worst word for me - I know that is pronounced ker-nil, but EVERY time I read it the pronunication in my head is col-o-nel. How is colonel "ker-nil" anyway?! :)

Solution 4:


I always thought it was VICK-chew-als, while it is actually VITT-les.