Visual Studio 2010 fails to install with "Error occurred during setup"

I'm trying to install Visual Studio 2010 on Windows 7 64-bit and I keep getting following screen:

Error occurred during setup - Setup could not install the following component: Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Express Prerequisites x64 etc.

I tried to install also Visual Studio 2008 with similar result. I'm starting to think it might be caused by some problems with my Windows Installer. Any idea what could it be?

Solution 1:

We had same problem. And we found the reason. The .iso we downloaded from MS site was downloaded with errors.

We downloaded it again with different downloading tool. New .iso installed correctly. And these .iso files appeared to have different checksums.

The info you got from log seems to confirm my thoughts: The installer has encountered an unexpected error installing this package. This may indicate a problem with this package.

Try to download the VS2010 .iso image again.

Solution 2:

Going off your error code of 2329, and googling it with "visual studio 2010", I get the following link:

  • Windows Installer Error Messages

and looking up that error code:

2329 Error deleting file: 3. GetLastError: 2.

Another link says to uninstall Windows Installer, reboot, and reinstall it.

  1. Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall windows installer
  2. Reboot
  3. Download and install it:

Link to Windows Installer 4.5:

  • Windows Installer 4.5 Redistributable

Solution 3:

If you are using a home brew disk that you created from an ISO file, then redo it. It took me three times to create an install disk before I could finally install it without errors. Unfortunately, there is no indication that the burned disk had errors or problems other then not installing.