How to add gksudo or what to use instead in Ubuntu 13.04? [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Yes, there is NO gksudo available for Ubuntu 13.04. It has been removed. So, you can use 'sudo' instead. Just type: sudo -i gedit /etc/something.conf. You will be asked for your password.

If you are not comfortable with it, use this sudo apt-get install gksu to install gksu, and you can use the gksudo command.

Solution 2:

Thanks to thefourtheye's link I've found the answer and am sharing it here for further reference:

The package name is gksu so the answer to the actual question is

sudo apt-get install gksu

However, one should probably consider reading PSA: gksu is no longer installed by default and Why is gksu no longer installed by default in 13.04? if interested in this question.