How to increase number of devices on a mobile hotspot?

Solution 1:

If you add a Dword value named WifiMaxPeers to


it will change the upper limit in Mobile Hotspot, e.g. I changed it to decimal 10, and the Mobile Hotspot control panel showed "Devices connected: 0 of 10".

I have tested this with 10 connected clients concurrently.

I strongly suggest making the change with Mobile Hotspot turned off and rebooting for the changes to take effect.

The maximum value of this key appears to be decimal 128. Larger values prevent Mobile Hotspot from starting.

Solution 2:

You are using the windows 10 integrated feature to support wifi hotspot which is limited to 8 devices by design (e.g. the first answer by a microsoft employee in this thread).

You will have to create your wifi access point with a different tool/os/software/hardware if you need to support more devices.