Below two queries are subqueries. Both are the same and both works fine for me. But the problem is Method 1 query takes about 10 secs to execute while Method 2 query takes under 1 sec.

I was able to convert method 1 query to method 2 but I don't understand what's happening in the query. I have been trying to figure it out myself. I would really like to learn what's the difference between below two queries and how does the performance gain happen ? what's the logic behind it ?

I'm new to these advance techniques. I hope someone will help me out here. Given that I read the docs which does not give me a clue.

Method 1 :

   reservation_id IN (
      GROUP  BY
            method = 1                                          
            AND type = 0                                          
            AND Count(*) > 1 
         OR (
            method = 1                                              
            AND type = 1                                              
            AND Count(*) > 1 
         OR (
            method = 2                                              
            AND type = 2                                              
            AND Count(*) > 0 
         OR (
            method = 3                                              
            AND type = 0                                              
            AND Count(*) > 0 
         OR (
            method = 3                                              
            AND type = 1                                              
            AND Count(*) > 1 
         OR (
            method = 3                                              
            AND type = 3                                              
            AND Count(*) > 0 

Method 2 :

   `tracker` t                                
         `tracker` t3                                              
         t3.reservation_id = t.reservation_id                                              
      GROUP BY
            METHOD = 1 
            AND TYPE = 0 
            AND COUNT(*) > 1
            METHOD = 1 
            AND TYPE = 1 
            AND COUNT(*) > 1
            METHOD = 2 
            AND TYPE = 2 
            AND COUNT(*) > 0
            METHOD = 3 
            AND TYPE = 0 
            AND COUNT(*) > 0
            METHOD = 3 
            AND TYPE = 1 
            AND COUNT(*) > 1
            METHOD = 3 
            AND TYPE = 3 
            AND COUNT(*) > 0

Solution 1:

An Explain Plan would have shown you why exactly you should use Exists. Usually the question comes Exists vs Count(*). Exists is faster. Why?

  • With regard to challenges present by NULL: when subquery returns Null, for IN the entire query becomes Null. So you need to handle that as well. But using Exist, it's merely a false. Much easier to cope. Simply IN can't compare anything with Null but Exists can.

  • e.g. Exists (Select * from yourtable where bla = 'blabla'); you get true/false the moment one hit is found/matched.

  • In this case IN sort of takes the position of the Count(*) to select ALL matching rows based on the WHERE because it's comparing all values.

But don't forget this either:

  • EXISTS executes at high speed against IN : when the subquery results is very large.
  • IN gets ahead of EXISTS : when the subquery results is very small.

Reference to for more details:

  • subquery using IN.
  • IN - subquery optimization
  • Join vs. sub-query.

Solution 2:

Method 2 is fast because it is using EXISTS operator, where I MySQL do not load any results. As mentioned in your docs link as well, that it omits whatever is there in SELECT clause. It only checks for the first value that matches the criteria, once found it sets the condition TRUE and moves for further processing.

On the other side Method 1 has IN operator which loads all possible values and then matches it. Condition is set TRUE only when exact match is found which is time consuming process.

Hence your method 2 is fast.

Hope it helps...