Drag and drop to Desktop / Explorer

Following my scenario.

I got an Application which loads a Filestructure (Folders, Files) from a Database into a WPF ListView. Now I'd like to grab a file from this ListView, drag it over my Desktop (or some open explorer window) and drop it there. Basic Drag and Drop, nothing fancy. This sounds like a "standard" function for a windows application - but google won't help.

So how can I achieve this? Interops?


Edit: Thanks for the solution, I still had to do some googling. Here's my complete solution.

Solution 1:

DragDrop.DoDragDrop can do this as long as you pass it an appropriate DataObject.

First copy the files somewhere. You can use System.IO.Path.GetTempPath() if you don't have anywhere better.

Next create a string array containing the full paths to the files and do the following:

string[] paths = ...;
DragDrop.DoDragDrop(this, new DataObject(DataFormats.FileDrop, paths),

It is actually possible to do this without pre-copying the files but that gets into some complicated IDataObject interactions, so unless your files are potentially very large and aren't already in the filesystem I would try this method first.