Which character can work as "tick" (US "check-mark") in documents under Ubuntu and Windows?

I need to use a character for "tick" in LibreOffice documents that will display OK in Ubuntu and Windows. Character 252 (or thereabout) in Wingdings works in Windows but obviously this character wouldn't be displayed properly on systems lacking the fontset (eg my Ubuntu system).

Can Wingdings be installed in Ubuntu? That would solve my problem of transferring documents between my Windows and Ubuntu systems.

Is there another way to solve this? eg an anternative font that looks like a "tick" and works across setups. I suppose if there is no other way, I could use the square root character, which is in the basic fontset.

Unicode has a character for the tick (check-mark) character:


You can find this character using the search function of the "Character Map" application. But do search for "check mark" and not "tick".