How To run Gedit and Subl commands in the background?

If I use Gedit or Subl (sublime text) commands in the terminal to open a file, I can't do anything else in the terminal until I close the text editor. How can I fix this?

Opening gedit in background should allow you to use the terminal

gedit &

Hope you know this .

Use setsid, which runs a program in a new session; for example:

setsid gedit

Also you can close terminal and gedit will stay running.

If you've started the editor already, you can send it to the background as if you had started it via

gedit &

in the first place:

Return to the blocked terminal, and press CTRL - Z. Notice that the terminal is now usable, but the program is now suspended.

Enter bg on that terminal to make it run again, and enjoy the unblocked terminal.