How Do I Change The Colour Of The Apple Icon In The Menu Bar

The apple icon in the menu bar is a black gradient (everything on this MacBook Pro seems to be a shade of grey!).

How can I change the icon to use the classic fruit colours instead?

Here's a youtube video that covers how to do this in Mountain Lion:

It appears to be the same in mavericks. The easier way to get to the folders in Finder is click Go > Go to Folder, or hit Shift-Command-G and in the window type /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/LoginUIKit.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/LoginUICore.framework/Versions/A/Resources and the other folder is /System/Library/CoreServices.

The files in Mavericks seemed to be named apple_s1.png, [email protected], apple.png and [email protected].

Good luck