Command line interface for Photos App in WIndows 10

Let's say I have a few images in a directory. When I double-click one of them it opens up in the photos app and I can view the other images using left/right arrow keys. However the behavior is different when the app is launched from command prompt.

I have not found a proper way of invoking the app from command prompt while supplying a filename. The best I found is start ms-photos: which launches the app but ignores any other arguments.

start <file_name> or simply <file_name> works and launches the app with the requested image, but now the app is unable to view the other images in the directory (left/right doesn't work; it acts as if only that image is present).

Is there any way to make sure the app is able to view all the images in the directory? (current directory while executing the command is already the directory containing the images)

I found that this will open the default application.

start "" "Name of File.ext"