What terms and expressions can be used in English to show one's love to his/her girlfriend/boyfriend? [closed]

Why resort to cliché? If you really want to find a great term of endearment, create your own. Find something that the both of you share and use that. Is there a character from a novel you both love? Something you both shared a joke about? Try that.

Often the best terms of affection are inversions of insults. For example, if your special someone was eating a doughnut once and got powdered sugar on her nose, you might have called her "Sugar Nose" (in an affectionate way, of course) and shared a laugh about it. Henceforth, Sugar Nose might serve as a special bit of sweet talk only the two of you can enjoy.

Edit: You might want to make sure you use these only in private, as they can have adverse effects if spoken within earshot of other people. Sickness, nausea ... you know what I'm talking about.

If you want are horrifyingly large list of terms of endearment, you could do worse than try here.

Two of my personal favourites are 'ma petit chou' and 'ma petit cochon' (my little cabbage/my little piglet). Partly it amuses me because, to many English, the French language is often considered to sound romantic - yet the literal translations are rather daft (but still innocent).

As they aren't already reported by others, I can report babycakes, and sweet cheeks.

The New Oxford American Dictionary has a list of terms that are rather standard: darling, dear, dearest, love, beloved, sweet, angel, honey, hon, sweetie, sugar, baby, babe, pet, treasure.