Running Ubuntu with multiple monitors having a panel each

Solution 1:

Managed to fix it just now.

I did the following to create a new panel and move it to the secondary monitor:

  1. Right click on existing panel and choose New Panel
  2. Drag the new panel to the secondary monitor by ALT + Drag
  3. Right click on your new panel and choose Add to Panel
  4. From the list, choose Windows List

Wrote up a blog post about it here.

Solution 2:

The ALT + Drag method didn't work for my desktop, but there is another alternative.

  1. Right-click the panel you'd like to move, and uncheck "Expand" in the properties
  2. The panel will now have two 'handles' on each side - these can be used to drag the panel to a different monitor.
  3. Re-check "Expand" in the panel properties once you have it where you'd like it