jQuery load more data on scroll

Solution 1:

In jQuery, check whether you have hit the bottom of page using scroll function. Once you hit that, make an ajax call (you can show a loading image here till ajax response) and get the next set of data, append it to the div. This function gets executed as you scroll down the page again.

$(window).scroll(function() {
    if($(window).scrollTop() == $(document).height() - $(window).height()) {
           // ajax call get data from server and append to the div

Solution 2:

Have you heard about the jQuery Waypoint plugin.

Below is the simple way of calling a waypoints plugin and having the page load more Content once you reaches the bottom on scroll :

$(document).ready(function() {
    var $loading = $("<div class='loading'><p>Loading more items&hellip;</p></div>"),
    $footer = $('footer'),
    opts = {
        offset: '100%'

    $footer.waypoint(function(event, direction) {
        $.get($('.more a').attr('href'), function(data) {
            var $data = $(data);
    }, opts);