"Shepherding" vs. "sheepherding"

What is the difference between shepherding and sheepherding (sheep herding?)?

What is the difference between shepherd and sheepherder?

I had only heard shepherd until I found sheepherder on a page on the California minimum wage.

What is the difference between a shepherd and a sheepherder?

Sheep-herder is a person who herds sheep in large numbers in unfenced country. It is a word used in the USA.
A shepherd is a person employed to guard, tend, and herd sheep, especially at pasture; a member of a pastoral people herding and usually owning sheep, etc. Sheperd can also be used in figurative sense as in the following sentence.

Then the shepherd read, explaining a portion of Scripture.

Shepherding is also widely used in a general sense of guiding, helping or looking after. "He shepherded his grandmother through the process of upgrading her PC."

"Sheepherding" is strictly managing actual sheep.