How Would You Describe Someone With No Limbs?

Certain characters in certain media have no limbs. That is to say, they have a head, a body, hands and feet, but lack the parts attaching those various bits of their body. A good visual example would be the video game character Rayman.

"Disembodied" and "Limbless" are both good words for such a character, but the former is a bit too extreme, and the latter might be mistaken as a lack of arm AND hand, or a lack of leg AND foot.

Is there a word to describe this kind of character and their relation to their body/body parts?

You might refer to Rayman as ethereally-limbed or invisibly-limbed; or perhaps call him disjointed, a word that means “(figuratively) Not connected, coherent, or continuous”. (It appears that Rayman is missing all his arm and leg joints, as well as his neck.)