How do I make a backup of a live server?

Solution 1:

Everyone else's technical answers are perfect, but you need to consider another option; leave.

The reason I suggest this is because if your company values its IT that little then they probably value your efforts even less. When, and I do mean when, this system kills their business they'll totally blame you, firing you and badmouthing you where they can, maybe even coming after you for some form of damages. I could suggest you sitting down with them to explain their lack in investment and urgent need to do so but from what you've said I'm not sure they'll listen.

So my suggestion is to look for somewhere that deserves the professionism you're clearly interested in delivering - I don't think you'll find it hard. Good luck.

Solution 2:


I would recommend VMware Converter ( ). It's free, it will do physical to virtual (p2v), and I've used it to do something similar.

The only problem may be that it may be sensitive to the patch version of the target. I wish you much luck.

I can only recommend using this as an incentive never to allow a server to get into this situation. And I sincerely hope that your predecessor isn't in a position to allow something like this to happen again.

EDIT: It seems as though you know this is a bad situation, which is great. If you want to continue to hone your skills, I'd recommend picking up a copy of The Practice of System and Network Administration. It's Serverfault Approved