How do I verify site ownership on Google Webmaster Tools through nginx.conf?
Since a couple of years ago, Google Webmaster Tools site ownership verification process started to require that verification files have certain content, instead of simply being there and returning 200 OK
, and making sure that other nearby files would return 404 Not Found
With the new requirement, how do I serve the Google Webmaster Tools site verification file with nginx.conf
Solution 1:
If you know that the verification file should be named googled1085b59adc211cb.html
(and you are told after you add a site within Webmaster Tools), then you can place the following into the appropriate server
context of your nginx.conf
location = /googled1085b59adc211cb.html {
rewrite ^/(.*) $1;
return 200 "google-site-verification: $uri";
P.S. A thought experiment would reveal that it is also possible to create a location
through regular expressions that would now allow anyone to verify ownership of your site at any time and without having to get in contact with you, but I will omit such configurations at this time (to prevent unintended use), since anyone genuinely interested now has a very good starting point anyways. :-)