When should iteritems() be used instead of items()?

Solution 1:

In Python 2.x - .items() returned a list of (key, value) pairs. In Python 3.x, .items() is now an itemview object, which behaves different - so it has to be iterated over, or materialised... So, list(dict.items()) is required for what was dict.items() in Python 2.x.

Python 2.7 also has a bit of a back-port for key handling, in that you have viewkeys, viewitems and viewvalues methods, the most useful being viewkeys which behaves more like a set (which you'd expect from a dict).

Simple example:

common_keys = list(dict_a.viewkeys() & dict_b.viewkeys())

Will give you a list of the common keys, but again, in Python 3.x - just use .keys() instead.

Python 3.x has generally been made to be more "lazy" - i.e. map is now effectively itertools.imap, zip is itertools.izip, etc.

Solution 2:

dict.iteritems was removed because dict.items now does the thing dict.iteritems did in python 2.x and even improved it a bit by making it an itemview.

Solution 3:

The six library helps with writing code that is compatible with both python 2.5+ and python 3. It has an iteritems method that will work in both python 2 and 3. Example:

import six

d = dict( foo=1, bar=2 )

for k, v in six.iteritems(d):
    print(k, v)

Solution 4:

As the dictionary documentation for python 2 and python 3 would tell you, in python 2 items returns a list, while iteritems returns a iterator.

In python 3, items returns a view, which is pretty much the same as an iterator.

If you are using python 2, you may want to user iteritems if you are dealing with large dictionaries and all you want to do is iterate over the items (not necessarily copy them to a list)