What's the meaning of the word "nerd-crush"?

This is the context:

I’m just going to come right out and say it, I have a huge nerd-crush on jQuery. I have for several years. Actually, it may be more of a love affair.

The nerd in "nerd crush" identifies it as decidedly non-sexual. It is a technical love, the slavering "fanboi" lust geeks (myself included) display when they encounter something of a software or hardware nature that is particularly delightful (i.e. "pushes all our buttons"). It borrows the term "crush" to indicate love or infatuation, but that is used semi-ironically. It is probably more of an obsession, really.

It may also mean an admiration for a fellow member of a subgroup oriented around a technical matter or bit of fandom.

e.g., I have a nerd-crush on Wil Wheaton. This implies that I admire and appreciate his work, presumably reaching all the way back to his Wesley Crusher years, perhaps I follow his blog or twitter feed. This doesn't imply physical or sexual attraction so much as intellectual affinity.

It could be defined as an "infatuation on a technical topic".
Since it could actually be a "love affair" means this is more than a temporary love or a short-lived passion.