A lot of Haskell and Erlang people are interested in the model where Erlang supervises distribution, while Haskell runs the shared memory nodes in parallel doing all the number crunching/logic.

A start towards this is the haskell-erlang library: http://hackage.haskell.org/package/erlang

And we have similar efforts in Ruby land, via Hubris: http://github.com/mwotton/Hubris/tree/master

The question now is to find someone to actually push through the Erlang / Haskell interop to find out the tricky issues.

You're going to have an interesting time mixing GC between Haskell and Erlang. Erlang uses a per-process heap and copies data between processes -- as Haskell doesn't even have a concept of processes, I'm not sure how you would map this "universal" GC between the two. Furthermore, for best performance, Erlang uses a variety of allocators, each with slightly tweaked behaviours that I'm sure would affect the GC sub-system.

As with all things in software, abstraction comes at a cost. In this case, I rather suspect you'd have to introduce so many layers to get both languages over their impedance mismatch that you'd wind up with a not very performant (or useful) common VM.

Bottom line -- embrace the difference! There are huge advantages to NOT running everything in the same process, particularly from a reliability standpoint. Also, I think it's a little naive to expect one language/VM to last you for the rest of your life (unless you plan on a.) living a short time or b.) becoming some sort of code monk that ONLY works on a single project). Software development is all about mental agility and being willing to use the best available tools to build fast, reliable code.

Although this is a pretty old thread, if readers are still interested then it's worth taking a look at Cloud Haskell, which brings Erlang style concurrency and distribution to the GHC stable.

The forthcoming distributed-process-platform library adds support for OTP-esque constructs like gen_servers, supervision trees and various other "haskell flavoured" abstractions borrowed from and inspired by Erlang/OTP.

  1. You could use an OTP gen_supervisor process to monitor Haskell instances that you spawn with open_port(). Depending on how the "port" exited, you would then be able to restart it or decide that it stopped on purpose and let the corresponding Erlang process die, too.

  2. Fugheddaboudit. Even these language-independent VMs you speak of have trouble with data passed between languages sometimes. You should just serialize data between the two somehow: database, XML-RPC, something like that.

By the way, the idea of a single platform for the rest of your life is probably impractical, too. Computing technology and fashion change too often to expect that you can keep using just one language forever. Your very question points this out: no one language does everything we might wish, even today.