I have tried to erase all data from my MacBook Pro and erase and re install osx disk

Solution 1:

Short answer: no. Any Mac that supports Internet recovery could theoretically boot to Internet recovery even with the hard drive removed. Press and hold command-option-R immediately after powering on the mac. If it does not detect a physical network Internet connection, it will prompt you with a drop-down menu displaying a list of available wifi networks. Once joined, it will take a REALLY long time to boot, but eventually it will load a recovery OS. Here you can reformat your hard drive (or find out if one is installed), reset your password, access Safari and, of course, reinstall your OS.

Solution 2:

I had this problem myself not too long ago. From what I read online error 3001F means that your Mac is having trouble talking to Apple's servers. The common suggestions being that the router is doing something unexpected or the signal strength isn't good enough.

The way I solved it was connecting through another device; using the hotspot facility on my phone instead of trying to connect to my router. The download does take a long time but it did succeed on the first attempt.

Hope this helps.