How to play .ts files? (and other unusual formats)

How can i play .ts files in Ubuntu? I would prefer if you could recommend a codec instead of a new piece of software, so I can use any software to play.

And is there any codec pack that make me sure I will be able to play all ordinary media files? Something similar to k-lite codec pack.

note: some of my .ts files already can be played with SMplay, but just some...

PS: as i mentioned above i already can play some .ts files. and i have ubuntu-restricted-extras and mplayer and samplayer in latest version. the problem is that some .ts files that open in windows systems do not play in my ubuntu 10.04

I recommend smplayer and gecko-mediaplayer, which are the best mplayer frontend and browser plugin respectively. For codecs get ubuntu-restricted-extras. I also recommend the Comprehensive Multimedia & Video Howto tutorial.

smplayer Install smplayer

gecko-mediaplayer Install gecko-mediaplayer

ubuntu-restricted-extras Install ubuntu-restricted-extras

Try this solution then, install mplayer-nogui and play your video from terminal.

mplayer-nogui Install mplayer-nogui

Playing video from terminal:

mplayer /path/to/your/video/file

Almost all the videos can be played here. None of the videos failed for me but I have never tried .ts video files. Let me know if it works for you.